Tuesday, March 29, 2011

new sensations

I think I felt the baby kick today.  I felt it twice this morning so far.  I know its not gas lol I know what that feels like.  It felt like something hitting me from inside under my belly button.  It was just weird like something just punched me or kicked me.  It is proof that this little baby is there and growing everyday.

Monday, March 28, 2011

baby picture at 10 weeks

I know you have to look really hard at this to see the baby but it is there.  We saw liitle arms and legs wiggling around.

first baby pictures at 8 weeks

my first blog

Hi there everyone that see this blog.  I am writing about my journey becoming a mom.  This is mainly for family and friends to see because we are a Military family and live far away from everybody.  I am also type 1 diabetic and considered high risk during this pregnancy.   I am currently 14 weeks pregnant and in my second trimester.  We are nicknaming the baby Peanut because we have no idea if its a he or she yet.  I also don't want to call it  a it or something else because it is a baby there and it should have a cute name until we know if its a boy or girl.   I don't want people to miss out on our baby and I am trying to include everyone the best that I can being that we are so far away.  I will post as many updates as I can about Peanut.